Australian Islamic Centre College Ltd is committed to ensuring that students are enrolled in the school in a manner that is fair and transparent.
This enrolment policy sets out the principles and framework governing the basis on which students are admitted to the School.
2.Eligibility for enrolment
Students who hold Australian citizenship or Australian permanent residency, or have Visa for entry and stay in Australia that allows education to be provided on the same cost basis as for an Australian citizen, are considered domestic applicants eligible to apply for enrolment at the
The College is dedicated to the Muslim community and will accept an enquiry from students of Islamic faith.
Parents of prospective students must be committed or commit to the Islamic Ethos and core values of the College and to supporting the College in fostering students to also support the core values of the College.
The College has an open enrolment Preference in enrolment is given to applicants:
who are children of members of the Australian Islamic Centre;
who are children of parents who are employed by the School;
who have siblings enrolled in the School;
who are Muslims and the family commits to the Islamic Ethos and core values of the College; and
otherwise based on the date of the enrolment
An Application for Enrolment is a pre-requisite for but not a guarantee of
To apply for a domestic place at the School, Parents should complete an Application for Enrolment accompanied by a copy of the child’s birth certificate and pay the non-refundable Enrolment Fee as soon as Applications will be accepted at any time and will be placed on the appropriate waiting list for the year level and entry year sought.
Completing the Application for Enrolment signifies that the applicants have read the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment and the School Fees Schedule, have understood the contents, and agreed to abide by them together with any other regulations from time to time to in force at the
From 24 months before entry, applicants from the waiting list, selected according to the priority criteria in clause 4, will be invited to attend an interview with College staff. The purpose of this interview is for the College to learn about your child and their needs, so that we can ensure that an appropriate program is available. You will be contacted before the interview and asked to supply up-to-date information about your child, including school reports and NAPLAN results (as applicable).
If a place is available, an appropriate offer of enrolment may be made, with the confirmation of a place being conditional on the payment of the Entrance Fee. To signify acceptance of the offer of enrolment, both Parents are required to sign the Acceptance of Enrolment agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment which constitute the enrolment agreement and return it, together with required accompanying documentation and the Entrance Fee.
Any decision on enrolments at the College is made by the Such decision is at the full discretion of the Principal and is final.
4.Students with special needs
As is the case for all enrolling students, it is a condition of enrolment that the parents of a child with special needs shall make the College fully aware of the known disability at the time that the Application for Enrolment is made.
The College may adjust its policies, practices and facilities as is reasonably necessary. This is to ensure that the student with special needs is treated on the same basis as other students provided that such adjustment is reasonable and does not impose any unjustifiable hardship on the College.
If an applicant with special needs requires an adjustment to the College’s policies, practices or its facilities, the College will meet with the family to determine what adjustments may be necessary. The College will gather information that might assist in understanding the applicant’s needs and consider how the College’s policies, practices and/or facilities should be modified to accommodate the applicant. Such information would normally include a full report from the specialists currently working with the student and the results of any past testing and will ordinarily address:
the nature of any diagnosed or suspected medical condition/disability, or any other circumstances that are relevant to the child’s additional learning needs (for example, giftedness or an experience of trauma);
the nature of any additional assistance that is recommended/appropriate to be provided to the child (for example, medical or specialist equipment, specialist referrals, specific welfare support, modifications to the classroom environment or curriculum, aide assistance, individual education programs, behaviour support plans or other educational interventions as may be relevant);
the individual physical, functional, emotional or educational goals that are appropriate to the child, and how the parents/guardians and the College will work in partnership to achieve these goals; and
any limitations on the College’s ability to provide the additional assistance
As every child’s educational needs can change over time, it will often be necessary for the College to review any additional assistance that is being provided to the child, in consultation with parents/guardians and the child’s treating medical/allied health professionals, in order to assess whether:
the additional assistance remains necessary and/or appropriate to the child’s needs;
the additional assistance is having the anticipated positive effect on the child’s individual physical, functional, emotional or educational goals; and it remains within the College’s ability to continue to provide the additional assistance, given any limitations that may exist.
5.Key definitions
‘Application for Enrolment’: the application completed by the Parents to enrol their child in the
‘College’: Australian Islamic Centre College Ltd ABN 13 665 744
‘Parents’: the person or persons who have legal parental responsibility for the Student (including legal guardianship).
‘School‘: the Victorian registered school which is operated by the
‘Student’: the student nominated in the Application for Enrolment and enrolled at the
6.Links to other policies
Attendance Policy
Privacy Policy
Record Management Policy (including Archiving Policy)
7.Communication of the policy
The College publishes its enrolment policy on its website and by application to the School
The College publishes for parents the procedures by which a Student is admitted to the School on its website and by application to the School office.
The College publishes the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment on its website and by application to the School office.
8.Policy review
This Enrolment Policy, the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment and associated documentation will be reviewed regularly by the Board and at least biennially and may be revised to improve existing procedures or reflect changes in any applicable legislation.
The President of the Board is responsible for ensuring that:
this Enrolment Policy, and any related documents, are updated when necessary to reflect changes in the law or when otherwise appropriate; and
the current updated version of this Enrolment Policy is communicated as required under clause 7 of this Policy.
Contact Us
We are open on Monday – Friday at 11am and 3pm, except on holidays.