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Strategic Plan

Our Vision

To be a distinct growth-focused college where all students strive for continuous growth and achieve their full potential to become future ready, contribute to their community, and have confidence in their Australian-Muslim identity with their own ethos built upon the Quran and Sunnah.

Our Mission

We will educate and nurture our students in their social and academic development by providing them with growth-focused educational programs and high-quality instructions.
We will provide a caring, empowering, and supportive environment for all students and staff. We will light the way for individuals to reach their full potential, become leaders of tomorrow, achieve excellence, be creative and innovative, be ready for the future, and have confidence in their Austrian-Muslim identity.

College Motto:

Together we strive for continuous growth (academically and spiritually).

To be a distinct growth-focused college where all students strive for continuous growth and achieve their full potential to become future ready, contribute to their community, and have confidence in their Australian-Muslim identity with their own ethos built upon the Quran and Sunnah.

Our Values

  • Respect (we respect and value all students, staff, and all members of our community)
  • Leadership (we are genuine, supportive and do the right thing)
  • Faith (we put our faith (deen) at the heart of everything we do)
  • Growth (we build a growth-focused culture – academically and professionally)
  • Excellence (we strive for excellence spiritually and academically)
  • Future Ready (we employ creativity and find solutions for real world situations)


Strive for best practice governance structures and procedures in order to allow for the efficient operation, oversight and direction of the College in an environment that promotes child safety and wellbeing as being of paramount importance.

Main Strategies
  • Obtain regular training for members of the Board and the Principal from expert providers in the fields of governance and school specific matters, including in particular in respect of Ministerial Order No. 1359 – Child Safe Standards – Managing the risk of child abuse in schools.
  • As the College grows, recruit, retain and continually improve an executive and administrative team which best supports the Principal in the operations and management of the College.
  • Acknowledge the College community as a crucial stakeholder in the College and ensure regular and clear communication between the College and the College community.
  • Continue to develop the expertise of the Board through the processes of the Governance and Nominations Committee, in order to ensure the College flourishes.
  • Board members and Principal to attend at least 4 professional development seminars per annum.
  • Recruitment of key executive positions required for a growing College.
  • Maintenance of a Board that meets all requirements of the College’s skills matrix.

Positive Teaching and Learning Environment

Provide a safe, caring, empowering and supportive environment for all students, staff and members of our community, in order to ensure that every student achieves continuous learning growth and reaches their full potential through a holistic approach to learning based on Islamic values.

Main Strategies
  • Provide supportive, caring, respectful, and empowering learning environments and programs guided by our Islamic Ethos.
  • Strengthen student voice by ensuring they are heard, understood and empowered.
  • Ensure all members of the school community understand the school philosophy and enact its values in every aspect of school life.
  • Establish a growth-focused culture where high expectations, accountability and continuous improvement become the norm.
  • Support learning with a range of resources including digital platforms.
  • Cater for students needs through differentiation and individualized planning.
  • Regular data collection, analysis and evaluation of student learning to plan for growth.
  • Forster and encourage creativity to find solutions for real life problems.
  • Instil in students that creativity leads to innovation and innovation leads to growth.
  • Enable the physical, mental, spiritual and social development of our young Muslims.
  • Provide a variety of co-curricular options in school and in the wider community.
  • Integrate Islamic values and principles in student learning.
  • Encourage cultural awareness and celebrate the diversity of our students’ backgrounds.
  • Establish strategies to identify and strengthen students’ own strengths and interests.
  • Continuous increase in the percentages of positive responses in the following:
    – Student Satisfaction Survey
    – Staff Satisfaction Survey
    – Parent Opinion Survey
  • Staff and students can explain the school philosophy and give examples of how they have enacted it.
  • Summative assessments show improvement for every student.
  • Every student on an individualised plan achieves their SMART goals.
  • Continuous increase in the percentage mean of students achieving at or above expected growth in all key learning areas every semester.
  • Increase in the percentage of students achieving above NAPLAN benchmark growth.
  • Create an environment where students are encouraged to use their creativity to find solutions.
  • Students show growth in using technology to find solutions for problems in the real world.
  • Students take responsibility for their own holistic learning experience.
  • Students participate in co-curricular activities at school and in the community.

Teacher Quality

Continually develop expert teachers who engage professionally and empower students to achieve their full potential.

Main Strategies
  • Build a strong professional growth culture with continual professional development.
  • Provide professional learning opportunities to all teachers.
  • Place an emphasis upon mentoring, peer observation and feedback.
  • Establish a Professional Learning Community (PLC).
  • Develop and implement an annual Professional Learning Plan.
  • Perform teacher appraisals for the purposes of recognition and improvement.
  • Promote innovative teaching practice.
  • Recruit and retain quality teachers.
  • Establish processes for collecting and monitoring schoolwide data.
  • Improved teaching practice and teacher capability to maximise student learning.
  • Teachers enhance their learning environments.
  • Teachers in teams plan, deliver and evaluate explicit strategies for teaching and learning.
  • Impactful teaching – measured by teacher appraisal and student performance data.
  • Celebrate innovative practice and new initiatives adopted by staff.
  • Achieve improved students’ outcomes as an impact of the Professional Learning Plan.


Empower and build capabilities of students and staff to overcome difficulties and make positive contributions to the community.

Main Strategies
  • Establish Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy and Procedures.
  • Raise awareness and understanding of wellbeing and link it to Islam.
  • Integrate our own Islamic approach of applying positive psychology into our daily learning and teaching.
  • Establish programs supporting and developing students and staff wellbeing.
  • Strengthen the partnerships with parents to boost student learning and wellbeing outcomes.
  • Implement a tiered approach that is consistent with the school’s wellbeing practices to further contribute to a safe, supportive and engaging learning environment.
  • Strengthen staff capacity to understand and support student health and wellbeing needs.
  • Staff demonstrate capacity to understand and support student health and wellbeing needs.
  • Staff and students implement emotional awareness and practice self-regulation.
  • Respect of diversity throughout the school community and bullying is well managed.
  • Enhanced student learning and wellbeing outcomes.
  • Happy, healthy, and resilient students and staff.
  • Students make positive contributions to the community.
  • Teachers are culturally responsive as they integrate Islamic values when helping students overcome difficulties.


Empower students and staff for the future and establish a culture of leadership development.

Main Strategies
  • Empower student learning through student voice, agency and leadership.
  • Involve leaders at all levels of the school.
  • Provide staff and students with opportunities to take the lead on projects and initiatives.
  • Make sure that leaders also partake in coaching and mentoring to improve and enhance their impact on the school culture.
  • Instil in students’ pride when they are genuine, supportive and do the right thing.
  • Give students opportunities to develop their leadership skills.
  • Enabling students to actively participate in creating a culture that is safe for them and their peers.
  • Teach students how to monitor and evaluate their own progress and achievement.
  • Increase in student leadership roles.
  • Increase in staff leadership roles.
  • Students take leadership roles and present initiatives empowered by Islamic values.
  • Students exercise community leadership as confident Australian Muslims.
  • Students take ownership of their learning and monitor their own assessment.
  • Student and staff participation is valued and promoted.
  • Students and staff know their rights and responsibilities.
  • Students understand the importance of friendships and peer support.
  • Students have a strong sense of agency and a strengthened focus on learning.


Ensure that the College engages proactively with the College community in order to best meet community needs.

Main Strategies
  • In coordination with The Newport Islamic Society Inc (also known as Australian Islamic Centre (AIC)), host events which promote the College’s philosophy to the wider Hobsons Bay Islamic community.
  • Maintain a close connection with AIC and encourage community members to access its support services as required.
  • Forge personal connections with each family enrolled in the College.
  • Host sessions with the College community regarding child development and parenting in an Islamic context.
  • Build collaborative connections with other Islamic schools and community organisations in Victoria.
  • Provide a variety of co-curricular options in the College and in the wider community.
  • Encourage parents and carers to participate in all aspects of College life.
  • In partnership with parents and AIC, the College will contribute to build a strong inner foundation for students aligned with our Islamic ethos and grounded in the teaching of our beloved prophet Mohammed (peace and blessings be upon him).
  • Regular holding of events in concert with AIC to promote the College.
  • All members of the College community are assist in accessing any services they may require to thrive.
  • Strong community engagement in the operations, events and, ultimately, successes of the College.


Ensure financial sustainability, growth in enrolments, improvement in facilities, and the longevity of the College.

Main Strategies
  • Strengthens connections with young Muslim families in the Hobsons Bay area in order to boost enrolments such that College enrolments grow, over time, to capacity.
  • Promote a conservative and responsible approach to growth.
  • Ensure the College remains accessible to members of the local Islamic community.
  • Develop and engage in fundraising that capitalises on community engagement to maximise donor potential in order to raise funds required to develop College grounds and resources.
  • Invest in improved facilities and services as the College grows with a vision to expanding the College’s educational offerings.
  • On each occasion that the College must consider whether to exercise an option for a further term at its current premises, consider if other site opportunities should be explored.
  • Through AIC, develop a strong network and presence with local regulatory and support services.
  • Apply for all applicable government funding for students.
  • Apply for capital and building funds from government and private donors.
  • Establish deductible gift recipient funds and solicit tax deductible gifts for the benefit of the College.
  • Continually grow enrolments numbers at the College, initially in accordance with enrolment projections and subject to the site capacity.

Contact Us

Join us at AICC’s Foundation Level, where together, we strive for continuous growth, instilling the joy of learning and the values that will guide our students on their educational journey and beyond.

Contact Details

23-27 Blenheim Rd,
Newport VIC 3015

    Contact Us

    Join us at AICC’s Foundation Level, where together, we strive for continuous growth, instilling the joy of learning and the values that will guide our students on their educational journey and beyond.

    Contact Details

    23-27 Blenheim Rd,
    Newport VIC 3015